The Yokuslu- Kalkandere Hydroelectric Power Plant



Renewable Energy



The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project: A Sustainable Power Source for Turkey The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project is an innovative energy project located in the Iyidere river basin, in Turkey's Eastern Blacksea Region. The project consists of a greenfield one weir and two run-of-river hydroelectric power plants, generating a total installed capacity of 43,47MWm / 42,33MWe. Key Highlights: - The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project utilizes the flow of the Iyidere river, producing clean energy and reducing Turkey's carbon emissions. - The project has been designed to generate electricity by utilizing the 100.2 m of head between the tailwater level of the upstream existing Cevizlik HEPP and the Incirlik HEPP project which is under project stage and will be located downstream. - The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project has a positive impact on local communities by creating job opportunities and boosting the local economy. - The project contributes to Turkey's goal of increasing its renewable energy capacity to 30% by 2023. - The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project is an important step towards a sustainable future for Turkey and the planet. By generating electricity using the natural flow of the Iyidere river, the Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project is a valuable source of clean energy that helps to reduce Turkey's carbon footprint. In addition to providing clean energy, the project creates job opportunities for the local community and boosts the local economy. This project is a significant step towards Turkey's goal of increasing its renewable energy capacity to 30% by 2023. The Kalkandere Hydroelectric Project is not just a sustainable energy project, but also a key contributor to a cleaner and more sustainable future for Turkey and the planet.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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