Inner Mongolia Ximeng Zheligentu Wind Farm Phase I Project



Renewable Energy



The Inner Mongolia Ximeng Zheligentu Wind Farm Phase I Project aims to harness wind energy to generate electricity. Located in Zhengxiangbai Qi, south Xilinguole League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, P.R.China, the project involves the construction of a wind farm with a total capacity of 48.75MW and a 220kV substation. The project is developed and operated by Beijing International New Energy Co., Ltd. The electricity generated will be supplied to West Inner Mongolia Power Grid, an integral part of the North China Power Grid. Key Highlights: - The project has an estimated annual net electricity output of 99.48GWh. - The project will result in an average annual emission reduction of 104,941tCO2e. - The project is a grid-connected renewable energy project. The Inner Mongolia Ximeng Zheligentu Wind Farm Phase I Project is an important step towards reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy in China. By harnessing wind power, the project will generate clean electricity that will be supplied to the power grid, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and promoting sustainable development. The project is a significant milestone in China's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and is a positive example for other countries to follow.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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