Ceyhan 61.7 MW Hydropower Project



Renewable Energy



The Ceyhan project is a run-of-river hydroelectric project consisting of the Oþkan and Berkman diversion weirs and HEPPs located on the Ceyhan River in Osmaniye, a city in the South Anatolian Region of Turkey. The main objective of this project is to generate electricity to meet the increasing demand in the region and contribute to the sustainability of electricity generation in Turkey. Key Highlights: - The project has a total installed capacity of 63,468MWm/61,704 MWe. - The project will lead to an estimated annual emission reduction of approximately 159.463 tons of CO2e. - Enova Enerji Üretim A.Þ., controlled by Nurol-Özaltýn, a prominent energy firm in Turkey, owns the project activity. - The project has strong sustainable development aspects and is one of the largest hydro projects implemented by the private sector in Turkey. The Ceyhan project's purpose is to generate electricity from renewable sources and sell it to the Turkish National Grid. The project's construction also aims to utilize the 25m head between the Aslantaþ Dam and the Cevdetiye Irrigation Structure in two stages by the Oþkan and Berkman HEPPs. The project's contributions to sustainable development are significant. It supplies reliable, zero-emitting renewable energy to the Turkish National Grid, uses national resources to contribute to Turkey's balance of payments, and implements social responsibility projects to improve the social, educational, and economic conditions of local people. The project also increases local income and job opportunities. The Ceyhan project's combination of social, economic, and environmental benefits underscores its importance to the country and the region.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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Data for this project

Total Retirements:


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