Sanibey Dam And Hydroelectric Power Plant



Renewable Energy



Sanibey Dam & HEPP - Generating Clean Energy in Turkey Sanibey Dam & HEPP is a hydroelectric power plant that generates clean energy by utilizing the Seyhan river basin in Turkey’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. The project consists of a dam and a green field “310.66 MWe” hydroelectric power plant. The power plant building includes two units with outputs of 155.33MWe each which are located on the downstream of the dam body. Key Highlights: - The project generates clean energy by avoiding the use of fossil fuels. - It reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 524,729 tonnes of CO2e annually. - The project provides irrigation for 75,000 hectares of land in Imamoglu region. - The project has a crediting period of 20 years, with the first period ending on December 1st, 2020. - The project started generating electricity on December 2nd, 2010. The project activity reduces greenhouse gas emissions that would have otherwise occurred in the absence of the project activity by avoiding electricity generation from fossil fuel sources. According to the feasibility study report, the average annual emission reductions of the proposed Project for the crediting period are estimated as 524,729 tonnes of CO2e. The project is expected to generate a total of 5,209,598 tCO2e for the duration of the initial 10-year crediting period, with the VCS project crediting period being renewed once which makes the total crediting period as 20 years. Apart from generating clean energy, the project also contributes to the provision of irrigation for 75,000 hectares of land in Imamoglu region through a separate project carried out by the State Hydraulic Works (DSI). Sanibey Dam & HEPP is an important project for Turkey's energy sector as it reduces the country's dependence on fossil fuels and supports the transition towards renewable energy sources.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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