Reducing GHG Emissions and Increasing Carbon Sequestration in Italian Agriculture




The establishment of permanent green cover and the use of year-round cover crops within the context of woody perennial crops, in this case traditional olive groves, are one of the project's core activities.
The project's inspiration was need to provide assistance to olive farmers whose crops were affected by Xylella Fastidiosa, the deadly bacterium that killed over 21 million olive trees in the southern italian region of Puglia.
The Piana degli Uliveti Monumentali (the Plain of Monumental Olive Trees), bounded by the municipalities of Ostuni, Fasano, Monopoli and Carovigno in the Region of Puglia, Italy, in which the concentration of millenary olive trees is very high, with plants that could be up to 3,000 years old dating back to the time of the ancient Messapi.
In the area of Fasano, Ostuni, Carovigno and Monopoli there are 250 thousand olive trees, it represents the area with the highest concentration of centuries-old olive trees of which many are certainly millenarian, where numerous majestic millenarian olive trees whose dimensions even exceed 10 meters in circumference measured 130 cm above the ground, with the most curious sculptural shapes, have been surveyed.

This area of historic and natural significance is part of the AgroEcology_Italy project's area.
Olive Orchard In Salento, Puglia
Soil sampling day in Salento, Puglia
Regeneratively-run Cherry Orchard in San Pancrazio (BR) , Puglia
Regeneratively-run Olive Orchard in San Pancrazio (BR), Puglia
Intercropping practice in Olive Orchard in Erchie (BR), Puglia


This Agroecology project is an initiative aimed at empowering Italian farmers to adopt regenerative agricultural practices, including tree planting and agroforestry, across 371,749 hectares. Developed by Alberami SRL with support from the Agroimpulso Foundation, the project has a 20-year timeline, focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sequestration. Key Highlights: - Conservation activities enhance carbon reservoirs and mitigate deforestation. - Farmers adopt new agronomic practices that reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. - The project fosters community empowerment through capacity building and financial incentives. - It contributes to long-term ecological and social improvements, including biodiversity restoration and sustainable economic development. - Alberami provides vital financial incentives and expert guidance to overcome adoption barriers. This Agroecology project integrates sustainability into Italy's agricultural landscape while mitigating climate change and driving community development.




International Carbon Registry







