Carbonmark and EcoRegistry Announce Integration

Carbonmark and EcoRegistry Announce Integration


Carbonmark and EcoRegistry have announced their technology integration, enabling a complete range of features, including carbon credit lifecycle transparency, automated transactions via API, a simplified customer experience, and secure, interoperable solutions for the environmental commodity market. This collaboration is designed to improve transparency, accessibility, and efficiency in carbon markets by facilitating real-time transactions and retirements of carbon credits.

Advancing Carbon Markets with Cutting-Edge Technologies

Carbonmark and EcoRegistry have integrated their platforms so buyers can have seamless access to projects listed on, improving market dynamics and fostering a stronger trading environment. Carbonmark's cutting-edge digital technology and EcoRegistry's robust platform enable direct, immediate transactions crucial for scaling carbon markets.

Carbonmark specializes in delivering secure and interoperable solutions for environmental commodity market participants. It simplifies inventory management across environmental asset registries and provides APIs to integrate these assets into third-party applications, establishing itself as a central aggregation hub for the market.

Complementing this, EcoRegistry has developed a platform that leverages technology to support the issuance of environmental assets and track units once issued, preventing double counting. Their system allows interaction between multiple stakeholders during the origination process, safeguarding all information and supporting evidence for the issuance process. Once issued, the units are tracked using a distributed ledger technology (DLT) based implementation to enhance market integrity.

“The market needs participants willing to bring down barriers between supply and demand and generate new opportunities and markets for the project owners. Carbonmark is implementing innovative methodologies to deploy, receive feedback, and adapt to the market's needs,” said Juan Duran, CEO of EcoRegistry.

Together, these two companies offer a comprehensive solution that streamlines the entire lifecycle of carbon credits, from issuance to trading. They provide the necessary infrastructure to scale and improve the efficiency of carbon markets.

EcoRegistry projects listed on Carbonmark

The integration with EcoRegistry provides Carbonmark users access to impactful carbon projects around the globe, including community-based afforestation and reforestation projects, conservation projects, methane abatement projects, and renewable energy projects crucial to our transition to a more sustainable future. One of the first projects to be listed will arrive from the ARLEQUÍN REDD+ project, an initiative to protect vital forests in Colombia. These projects will be listed and ready for retirement soon: 

Drew Bonneau, Director of Carbonmark, said, “We’re proud to integrate with a technologically advanced player like EcoRegistry that has spearheaded innovation in the voluntary carbon market. Projects certified under the ICROA-endorsed Cercarbono standard will now be available across our diverse client base.”

To learn more about the impact of integration, join us on September 18th, 2024, for a webinar titled “Integrated Carbon Market: From EcoRegistry to Spherity’s Battery Passport via Carbonmark API.” During this webinar, we will explore the seamless integration and interoperability of carbon markets, emphasizing the interconnected supply chain and the importance of visibility and transparency. Discover how technologies like EcoRegistry and Spherity’s Battery Passport, combined with the Carbonmark API, transform how carbon credits are tracked, verified, and utilized across industries.

About Carbonmark

Carbonmark leverages advanced digital infrastructure to provide secure, auditable, and interoperable products and services to facilitate the trade and usage of environmental commodities. The platform supports automated carbon procurement via API, providing access to over 20 million verified carbon credits. By leveraging blockchain technology, Carbonmark aims to enhance transparency, speed, and availability in carbon trading.

Carbonmark's mission is to build the largest, most accessible carbon marketplace, providing the digital infrastructure the Voluntary Carbon Market needs to fulfill its role in helping the world achieve net-zero carbon emissions over the coming decades.

For more information, visit or follow @Carbonmark on LinkedIn and X.

About EcoRegistry

EcoRegistry leverages technology to support sustainable development across the world. As a registration platform, we ensure that the supporting evidence in the origination process is available for anybody to access, and once the units are issued they can be tracked over the market until the recognition of the end beneficiary. As a solutions provider, we help project developers to enhance integrity, brokers to have access to the market and end customers to fully recognize their compensation processes.

For more information on EcoRegistry and its offering, please contact us through our website  or our email:

For media inquiries, please contact:

Daria Frangopoulos

Marketing Manager at Carbonmark

Sara Présiga

Communications Director at EcoRegistry

